
In Dragon’s Wake” is the third main quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. After discovering the Arisen’s link to the dragons, head to Melve, where a dragon was recently spotted. Check out our guide for starting and completing this quest!

Go to melve and explore the town In Dragon’s Wake

After waking up in Borderwatch Outpost, head south to Melve. Once there, enter the stronghold ruins, go left, and then north toward a well. Feel free to explore and look for Gold Trove Beetles to increase your carry capacity. Listen to your Pawns for hints on materials and points of interest marked on your mini-map.

Attack the dragon In Dragon’s Wake

As the Arisen, you grip your sword tightly and charge at the invading dragon. Your strikes land with precision, cutting through scales and flesh. With each hit, the dragon roars in fury. After a relentless assault, the dragon seizes your heart in a dramatic cutscene, marking the beginning of your tale as the Arisen.

Speak with Lennart in Tristan’s Inn

Speak to Lennart in Tristan’s Inn to learn about different vocations. Then, go outside where Dahlia will direct you to speak with Gregor, the watchead, near Melve’s entrance.

Accompany Gregor to the Capital

Talk to Gregor, and he will lead you to the capital. Follow him on foot and fight monsters like goblins and harpies along the way.

Kill the Cyclops

You’ll soon face a blocked path where a Cyclops appears, starting the One-Eyed Interloper quest. Despite its health being halved, the Cyclops remains tough. Thankfully, your Pawns and Gregor’s party will assist you in the fight.Destroy the dam blocking the water to trigger a flash flood that inflicts significant damage on the Cyclops. Return to Gregor, who will ask if you want to travel with them to the capital or go alone. Choosing to travel with them lets you ride an oxcart, speeding up your journey to Vernworth.

Speak to Captain Brant to finish the quest In Dragon’s Wake

Upon arriving at the capital, Captain Brant arrests you but quickly reveals it’s an excuse to discuss his plan to defy Queen Disa and her false Arisen. After speaking with Brant, you regain control in Vernworth, complete the “In Dragon’s Wake” quest, and receive 6000 gold and 500 XP. The next quest, “Seat of the Sovran,” begins immediately. Answer all dialogue options to finish the conversation and freely explore Vernworth.

This finishes “In Dragon’s Wake” main quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. You’ve finished the quest and can start the next one “Seat of the Sovran“.

By Mansi

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