After escaping the Excavation Site, you find yourself in the northern wilderness. Our guide provides a walkthrough for starting “Tale’s Beginning“, including rewards and unlock conditions.
How to Start Tale’s Beginning
Starting Location:- Northern Vermont / Base of Mt. Alles / Ultramarine Waterfall.
Complete “Gaeoled Awakening” to unlock “Tale’s Beginning.” After the opening cutscene, Justinn gives you the quest automatically.
Follow Justin in Tale’s Beginning
Follow Justinn to the stronghold, defeating Goblin packs along the way until you reach Borderwatch Outpost to create your Main Pawn. You can explore, gather materials, and loot glowing items like herbs, fruit, and trash piles for various items.

Watch for treasure chests along the path, especially near the Griffin, which contains a Salubrious Drought. You can use this healing item from the menu. Greenwarish works the same, but consider saving materials to craft better items later.

Fight the Goblins in Tale’s Beginning
Follow Justinn down the path, where you’ll encounter a small group of goblins. They aren’t much of a threat, especially with your knight allies, so use this time to practice combat. Fighters and Thieves should block or dash to avoid hits and prevent stagger. Take advantage of flinched enemies by using a Heavy Attack to deal massive damage. Archers and Mages should keep their distance, letting the knights distract while you attack from afar. After defeating the goblins, loot their glowing corpses. Continue following Justinn to the Borderwatch Outpost, where a group of Pawns awaits you.

Create your Pawn
They lead you to the Riftstone to create your main Pawn. Choose a vocation that complements yours. Once you regain control, use the Riftstone to recruit two more Pawns, preferably with vocations your party lacks.

Make for Melve
When speaking with Luksa, you can ask about yourself, the Pawns, or the Riftstones, or select “Another time” to move on.

Make for the Lodgings
From the Riftstone, head downhill to the right, where a guard between two braziers suggests resting at the outpost. Follow his advice and return to the main tent, where the innkeeper offers a free night’s stay. Inns fully restore Health and Stamina, advance time, and save your progress. When ready, choose “Rest.”

This finishes Tale’s Beginning main quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. You’ve finished the quest and can start the next one “In Dragon’s Wake“.