In “Dragon’s Dogma 2,” the fourth Main Quest, “Seat of the Sovran,” begins as you arrive in the capital city. You prepare to meet Captain Brant and learn his plan to usurp the false Sovran.
How to complete the seat of the Sovran
Lie about the young man’s whereabouts
After leaving the interrogation room with Captain Brant, a cutscene begins with a young man fleeing from the authorities. Lie to protect him to unlock The Ornate Box side quest later. Now, you have free rein of Vernworth, one of the game’s largest cities. Take an hour to explore thoroughly, as there are many treasures to find. Listen to your Pawns—they will highlight chests and secrets on your mini-map.
Explore the reign of Vernworth
Go to the Inn and head to the second-floor balcony. Jump to the wooden plank on the adjacent building, then climb to the Pawn Guild roof. You’ll find three chests with a Silver Rapier, Ferrystone, Savant’s Boots, and a Seeker’s Token.
Head to The Noble Quarter, up the stairs from The Merchant Quarter. Explore the large houses to find valuable items, including multiple sets of Courtly Clothes needed for a future quest. Sell any extras to a merchant for about 1000 gold.
Finally, visit the Vermund Charnel House (marked with a Coffin icon) to find multiple Wakestone Shards. With your gold, stop by the weapon and armor shop to upgrade equipment for yourself and your Pawn, as quests will become more challenging.
Deposit unneeded items at the inn. Keep Salubrious Droughts, a Lantern and Lantern Fuel, a Camping Kit, a Wakestone, and a Ferrystone with you. Keeping your pack light helps you move faster and collect more loot. You can also store items on your Pawns if your inventory is full.
Speak to captain Brant in the tavern at night
When ready to start questing again, wait until night by resting on any red bench. Then, visit the Tavern (marked by a beer icon) and talk to Brant. He’ll take you to a private table and explain his plan: perform heroic deeds to legitimize your claim as the Arisen and spy on the royal family to uncover their motives.
To begin, there are three tasks to choose from:
- Monster Culling: This lengthy task requires you to defeat three groups of monsters in various locations around the city.
- Disa’s Plot: Break into the palace to gather evidence against Queen Disa.
- The Caged Magistrate: Infiltrate the Vernworth dungeons to free an imprisoned magistrate.
As you complete these tasks, speaking to Brant will unlock additional quests, including:-
- The Arisen’s Shadow: Interrogate an assassin who targeted the Arisen.
- An Unsettling Encounter: Steal into the minister’s office in the palace to investigate a mysterious delivery.
- The Nameless Village: Explore a mysterious village in the east linked to the false Sovran.
- Feast of Deception: The last quest in Brant’s series. Attend the false Sovran’s coronation.
You’ve finished the quest and can start the next one “Monster Culling“.