
Gaol Awakening” is the first Main Quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and starts after you escape the Excavation Site. For a detailed guide on completing it, read our full walkthrough.

How to Complete the Gaoled Awakening Quest

Create your character

During character creation, choose from presets or import your Arisen from Dragon’s Dogma 2 Character Creator & Storage. Select a starting vocation—Fighter, Mage, Thief, or Archer. All are practical and switchable later. For beginners, I recommend the Fighter for its strong attack and defense.Additionally, the Mage offers the opportunity to use the healing spell Anodyne. In the Choose Your Own Adventure books, select your character and control actions in the Gaol. Follow Fiska the Overseer through the new door and into the camp. You can interact with NPCs along the way, but they offer little dialogue.

Follow Fiska the Overseer

In the excavation site, follow Fiska the Overseer to leave the jail and start working.

Carry a boulder back to Rook

When the player first enters the Excavation Site, a cinematic points out some of the landmarks. When control is back follow Fiska’s marker going down the path. Rook, a second NPC, interrupts you halfway through to share some words of wisdom.Explore the camp and meet new characters, but eventually, chase Rook to the cave. Navigate the trail, collect boulders with Grab/Release (R2), and place them with Rook. A gold circle highlights specific places of interest relevant to your Priority quest.

Investigate the disturbance

After delivering the boulder to Rook, find the guards and prisoners outside to gain experience. Once done, a commotion in the camp leads to a cutscene of Medusa attacking. You can rejoin the fight later, but you don’t need to try too hard, as the pawns will handle it.

How to defeat Medusa in Gaol Awakening

You can sometimes grab a large enemy by pressing Grab/Release when close, just like with the boulder. After that, you become attached to them, that you may change your position as you approach the opponent’s weak points. With Medusa, her weakness is her head; attempt to dodge her and perhaps climb up her back and attack. When Medusa loses a health bar, she flees, and the Pathfinder advises you to escape with Rook. Later, Rook guides you to a cliff where you must jump to escape.

This will cause a long cutscene to occur.

After regaining control, you’ve finished the quest and can start the next one, Tale’s Beginning.

By Mansi

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