The Arisens Shadow Walkthrough

After completing a few of Brant’s requests, the quest “The Arisens Shadow” is automatically added to your list. Then, wander around Vernworth until you spot the spy, Bermudo, dressed in a brown hood and outfit.

Explore Vernworth

Captain Brant instructs you to roam Vernworth to lure out the stalker. If your pawns mention feeling watched, the stalker is near. A hooded man named Bermudo will eventually try to assassinate you. Act quickly to grab him before he draws his weapons, or chase and catch him afterward.

Deal with Bermudo

After roughing up Bermudo, he reveals someone hired him to spy on you. Exhaust his dialogue, then choose to either refuse his release or demand compensation.

Deny Bermudo’s Offer

If you refuse Bermudo’s offer, he will attack, but Captain Brant eventually intervenes and takes him into custody. A cutscene follows where Brant explains that a mysterious benefactor from Battahl hired Bermudo and that he needs three days to interrogate him.

Demand Compensation from Bermudo

If you demand compensation, Bermudo offers you gold for his freedom, giving you one last chance to choose otherwise. Accepting his offer earns you 5,000 Gold, and he escapes, ending the quest.

Refuse or Demand Compensation from Bermudo?

Both choices with Bermudo affect only the quest’s gold reward. Demanding compensation gives you more gold and ends the quest early, but you miss discovering a mysterious individual from Battahl tracking you. Refusing his offer requires a 3-day wait and provides less gold. We recommend accepting the gold to finish the quest sooner and receive a larger reward.

What Happens if You Kill Bermudo in the Arisens shadow?

If you accidentally kill Bermudo before Brant intervenes, use a Wakestone to revive him and continue the quest. If Bermudo’s body disappears while you search for Wakestone Shards outside Vernworth, go to the Morgue to find and revive him.

Have a conversation with Brant in three days

After 3 days, go to the Stardrop Inn at night, talk to Captain Brant, and select the “Tell me of the captured agent” option. Finish his dialogue to complete the quest and receive 4000 Gold.

You’ve completed the quest “The Arisen’s Shadow” and are now ready to begin the next one, “An Unsettling Counter.” You can also access the guide for the previous quest, “The Caged Magistrate.”

By Mansi

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