You’ll face 7 Nursery Rhyme Puzzle tasks in (Return 5 ), and you can win 7 Charms as a reward and this guide will help you solve all Nursery Rhymes Puzzles and to find all dolls and charms locations. It is necessary to have the Monster Doll from the Rental Cabins at Cauldron Lake and the Mother and Child Dolls from the Watery Trailer Park.
#11 Nursery rhyme solution
You will be back in the role of Saga following Alan’s fight in the forest behind the cabin. When that occurs, search for a hut that has a Break Room close by. To reach the top of the cliff to the north, take the narrow trail.
Proceed to the far eastern side of the cliff after passing the Cult Stash; there is a nursery rhyme there that needs to be answered.

Put the child doll on the tree and the mother doll on the house.

The Lantern Charm is located in the center of the route as you retrace your steps to the base of the cliff. But you’ll also come across a pack of Taken that are lying in wait for you and a wolf that is tougher than usual

#12 Nursery rhyme solution
Proceed west and then south toward the Bright Falls Ranger Station after completing the Valhalla Nursing Home segment. A Nursery Rhyme can be found inside the station itself in the bedroom on the first floor.

You’ll have to solve the given rhyme:
A child needs their Mother to keep them Safe
And a home as their hiding place
Because outside the Monsters roam and chase
When they ring your doorbell, don’t yellDon’t tell them to go away
Give them treats and pray
They won’t rock your house down to the Ground
Put the Child Doll on the home and the Monster Doll on the candies. This will fix the rhyme, but it will take some additional effort to make the Charm appear.

Go upstairs and open the bathroom door after you’ve opened the Ranger Station’s main entrance. This will drop a Coffee Mug Charm on the bed, which breaks when used but grants you a second chance at life if you die.

#13 Nursery Rhyme solution
When the flooding subsides, there is a beach east of the Ranger Station. The Nursery Rhyme occupies a sizable portion of the relatively small space of beach

You’ll have to solve the given rhyme :
To the beach a Child went wandering
Pretty, shiny rocks she’s gathering
But from the water a Monster rose
A horrible beast with a pointy nose
A flapping wing and dragging toes!
But the Child was wrong, it was her Mother all along
On a boat grabbing a towel that’s already gone
The Mother Doll should be on the boat, the Child Doll should be on the jwellery, and the Monster Doll should be on the waves. This will cause some footsteps to appear on the beach, guiding you to the Valhalla Nursing Home Charm (This charm amplifies the effectiveness of trauma pads and pain killers ). But be careful when you retrieve your reward because it also summons two of those hideous, twisted Taken monsters.

#14 Nursery rhyme solution
After the floods subside and you possess the bolt cutters, proceed to Billie’s Boat Yard, which is situated close to Bunker Woods and Bright Falls. This area’s final Nursery Rhyme is located on the pier just by the gate that goes into town.

You’ll have to solve the given puzzle :
Five little Monsters out on the sea
Competing to see who the winner will be
They rocked their boats to find out who floats
Until one little monster did fall
Mama called out to the Sea and cried
And the Sea she replied
“On the bottom they will rot if they will not stop rocking their boats.”
Place the Mother Doll on the waves and the Monster Doll on the boat and travel to boat yard region to get the Anchor Charm, which gives your flashlight boost the ability to stun rivals. Look for the spot where people drive boats into the sea in the boatyard. Clear out the Taken, then pick up your Charm from the ground

#15 Nursery rhyme solution
Now, proceed to Watery to collect the remaining items in this location. Go to trailer #5 in the trailer park for the Nursery Rhyme. It is secured by a Boltcutter lock.

Place the Deer Doll on the Heart and the Wise Elder Doll on the Eye.The Deerfest Charm can be found on a low cupboard near the trailer’s exit.

#16 and #17 Nursery rhyme solution

Players should look for an FBC container near the Charm reward after completing the sixteenth Nursery Rhyme. The Father Doll is within the container, and players should collect it before proceeding to the Witchfinder’s Station in the northwest corner of the Cauldron Lake map

and arranging the Dolls as follows:
Put the Father Doll on the Eye (downstairs)
The Hero Doll on the Sun (downstairs)
The Mother Doll on the Heart (downstairs)
The Child Doll on the Hatchling (upstairs)
The Trickster Doll on the Wave (upstairs)
Players Should interact with the radio on the desk below once the Dolls have been placed in their positions. This will cause an object to emerge next to the radio, and collecting it will grant Saga Anderson of Alan Wake 2 an additional spot on her Charm Bracelet.