
Bright Future is a mystery puzzle in the Nazi Vehicle Garage at Gizeh, with a chest near Professor Omar in the desert. Read our “gamewith100” guide to solve the puzzle and find the chest code.

Before starting the side quest, find the Wehrmacht disguise to sneak past the Nazis in the Vehicle Garage. Look for the first note in the main tent near the radio equipment, and don’t miss the Radio Frequency next to it.

Bright Future Puzzle Location in Nazi Vehicle Garage, Gizeh

Pick up one of the notes in the Nazi Vehicle Garage to start the Bright Future mystery. You may find the chest before discovering the mystery.

Chest Location in Nazi Vehicle Garage

The chest for this mystery is located south of the Meteorological Station, next to Professor Omar’s research area. If you haven’t found the mystery notes, including the chest code, look for both notes in the Nazi Vehicle Garage.

Bright Future Puzzle Overview

  • The chest code is on one of the notes in this mystery. Focus on finding the notes and the chest.
  • Retrieve Pohl’s Letter and the Nazi Note from the Nazi Vehicle Garage.
  • Find the locked crate between the Sphinx and Khentkawes, and enter the code.
  • Escape before the dynamite detonates.

Step-by-Step Solution for the Bright Future Puzzle

  • In the western tent of the Nazi Vehicle Garage, pick up Pohl’s Letter from the table by the radio near the dining area.
  • In the eastern tent, find the Nazi Note on one of the beds. The note mentions a locked crate between the Great Sphinx (the Cat) and the Tomb of Khentkawes (the Queen).
  • Leave the Nazi Vehicle Garage and head south along the main road. The locked crate is under a palm tree, across from a military truck. A guard may be nearby unless you’ve defeated him already.
  • Enter the code 0926 from the Nazi Note to open the chest, then brace for the trap!
  • Opening the crate ignites the explosives inside. Run before they detonate to avoid damage and complete the Bright Future mystery.


  • Reward: 225 Adventure Points
  • Related Notes: 2

Check out our next guide for ‘Seat of Eternity’ from Indiana Jones and the Great Circle.

By Mansi

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