To complete the “As the Khvarena’s Light Shows” world quest in Genshin Impact 3.6, one of the objectives is to activate the left machine door by linking the circuit with the Farrwick. This guide will show you how to do it. To begin, you need to find a Farrwick and use it to remove the grey crystal from the relay. Then, use the mixer to allow the energy to flow and open the left machine door.


Location Circuit room of ‘Tunugi Hollow’
Mission InfoThe player must link the circuit and open the left machine door.
RequirementFind a Farrwick to Activate the relay.         
Reward5 Primogems and Adventure EXP 50+ 

Activate the Teleport Waypoint

Firstly for convenience, the players must turn on the nearest Teleport Waypoint as marked on the map.

Pick up the Farrwick

Pick up the Farrwick from the upper left corner of the same circuit room. The Farrwick may be used to remove the grey crystals from the Energy Relay.

Activate the Relay

Drop the Farrwick in front of the relay located near an Anemo Monument which would remove the grey crystal and activate it. You would be able to see the energy flowing from the relay after placing the Farrwick near the relay.

Move and Rotate the Mixer

After activating the relay, go to the mixer and rotate it twice, and then press move, it would face the left machine door.

The circuit is now linked and the Left machine door will open.

By Mansi

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