This guide will assist you in completing the objective “Find Energy Block” for the world quest “As the Khvarena’s Light Shows Nirodhas”. In order to discover the Energy Block during the Nirodha quest in Genshin Impact’s As The Khvarena’s Light Shows, players need to access the hidden door before the stairs as they make their way through the quest.
Find Energy Block
Energy Block is hidden behind a closed door at the facility’s rightmost wing. proceed left after climbing the stairs in front of Nasejuna. Walk forward and It’ll close as soon as players enter, indicated by a remark from Paimon

Players must proceed through the corridors until they come to another locked door to their left and a water pool to their right. Follow the water to find few monsters that are protected by Grey Crystals along the way to khaverena ( refer to the screenshots given below)

You’ll able to locate the Power of Khvarena inside the cave resting on top of a huge gear. Go close to it so that it can start moving

As you follow it, the grey crystals will get destroyed by the power of Khvarena, releasing the imprisoned monsters. After eliminating the Rifthounds ( enemies ) direct the power of Khvarena in the direction of the locked door.

To open the door, interact with the nearby mechanism.

As you enter the door , Paimon will notice a glowing object which is the energy block on the table inside the room. Pick up the energy block