In the Dragon’s Dogma 2 side quest “Vocation Frustration,” you retrieve weapons stolen by goblins to unlock the Warrior and Sorcerer vocations. This guide provides the steps and rewards for completing the quest.
How to start Vocation Frustration
Go to the Venworth Vocation Guild below Shakir’s Inn and speak with Klaus. Select the Talk option to get the quest.

Vocation Frustration Location

Vocation Frustration begins in the Vernworth Vocation Guild in Vernworth.
Speak to Roderick in His Shop
Speak with Roderick at Roderick’s Smithy to learn about the stolen weapons. He tells you about a Goblin Lair located along the western road.
Travel to Trevo Mine
Trevo Mine lies west of Vernworth, and you’ll need to walk there. Bring curatives, as the trip can be risky.

Search the Greatsword
Locate the Greatsword in a chest just beyond the narrow passage near the mine’s entrance. Watch out for lurking goblins.

Locate the Archistaff in Vocation Frustration Quest
Finding the Archistaff requires you to venture deeper into the mines to locate the chest. Clear out the goblins to remove any threats. The chest with the Archistaff is situated in a small tunnel on the B1F level of the mines, towards the northeast

Return to Klaus
After retrieving the weapons, return to Klaus in Vernworth. Speak with him and give him both weapons to complete the quest, unlocking the advanced vocations of Warrior and Sorcerer.
You can check out the next quest, “The Gift of the Bow”.