In the side quest “Nesting Troubles” in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you must destroy a nearby nest of Saurians. This quest teaches you the vital skill of picking things up and throwing them, so take the time to practice. This guide provides the information you need to start and complete the quest, along with the rewards you’ll earn.
How to Start Nesting Troubles
After staying at the Melve inn, find a man named Lennart by the well on the town’s east side. He will direct you to the Saurian nest across the river and advise you to use the explosives near the village entrance to complete the task.

How to Destroy the Saurian Nest
- Destroy the Saurian Nest with Explosive Casks
Follow the quest marker outside Melve to find explosive casks. Pick one up and throw it from across the river into the Saurian nest, which contains eggs. Use B on Xbox, Circle on PlayStation, or E on PC to pick up a barrel, then hold the throw button (RB on Xbox, R1 on PlayStation, or Right Click on PC) to display an arc indicating where the barrel will land. You don’t need to be precise; the explosion will destroy the nest with a decent throw, and you have several barrels to practice with.If the first cask doesn’t kill the Saurians, toss a second one. Once you succeed, report back to Lennart, who will ask you to finish the job by poisoning the nest.

- Poison the Saurian Nest with a Jar of Poison
After destroying the nest, return to Lennart, who will thank you and ask for your help with one final task. To prevent other Saurians from moving in, toss a poison vial at the former nest site.Outside, near the entrance of Melve, you’ll find a jar oozing purple poison. Pick it up and throw it into the Saurian nest. Aim carefully; if you miss, you’ll need to reload from your last checkpoint to try again.

Once you successfully complete the task, return to Lennart to conclude the side quest and claim your rewards: 1,250 G and a Stoutness Extract.