Morningtide is a Curative Item in Dragon’s Dogma 2 (DD2). You need to find Morningtide under the Curatives category in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Morningtide effect is to restore a small amount of health and provide a temporary boost to stamina.

Morningtide Description

The herb is extremely bitter and cannot be eaten raw. To harness its strong medicinal benefits, combine it with other materials. For instance, you can create Fruit Roborant by mixing it with dried fruit.

How to Get Morningtide

You can obtain it through various activities in the overworld. These activities include gathering, exploring, defeating monsters, and building relationships with other characters.

Know location: It can be gathered from the ground at the side of the river east of the North Border Checkpoint Oxcart Station.

By Mansi

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