To obtain the Medusa Head in Dragon’s Dogma 2 (DD2), you need to slash the head of the Medusa in Battahl. Learn where to find the Medusa, how to acquire the Medusa Head, and how to use it to petrify enemies and bosses.
How to Get Medusa Head
To get the Medusa’s head item, use slashing weapons like the Warrior’s greatsword to cut off its head. Climb onto its back to reach the head and keep slashing, or knock it down to lower its head. Since it’s weak to lightning, bring Pawns that can buff your weapon with a Lightning Boon.

Get Medusa Head in Caliginous Depths
You can fight a Medusa in the Caliginous Depths, southwest of Bakbattahl in the Battahl Region. Watch for petrified statues as you near its lair. Bring Malleating Elixir, which cures petrification and can be crafted by combining Cinnamon Bark and Goldthistle.

Located in a Chest in Vernworth Castle Vault
Find a Decayed Medusa Head in a chest on B1F of the Vernworth Castle Vault, guarded by Azorka. Access the basement through the hallway near the castle kitchens. To enter, use the vault key obtained from Oskar after completing the Tolled to Rest quest at the Ancient Battleground. This key also opens the battleground vault with the Infernal Edge duospear.Wait for the vault guard to walk away, then unlock the door, sneak in, and open the chests to claim the items, including 20,000 G.
How to Use Medusa Head
Equip the Medusa’s head like a lantern, aim it at an enemy, and unleash a petrifying beam to slowly turn them to stone. It’s especially effective on bosses like the Cyclops, Griffin, and Drake, allowing you to one-shot them by fully petrifying and then striking.

Decays and Loses Power on Use
The Medusa’s head will eventually decay with repeated use and time, losing its petrifying power. To preserve it, store it in an Inn’s storage. Use it sparingly, reserving it for tough boss fights or as a last resort.