In the Main Quest “Convergence” in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you explore the Seafloor Shrine after spotting a strange castle emerging from Harve Village Bay. Our guide provides a walkthrough on starting Convergence, along with details on rewards and unlock conditions.
How to Start Convergence
You unlock Convergence right after completing the main quest “Flickering Shadows.
Enter Stormwind cave in the Quest Convergence
To complete the quest “Convergence” start with heading towards Harve Village when you’re ready to explore the Seafloor Shrine. A mysterious castle has risen from the bay, and a soldier mentions a secret entrance has opened in Stormwind Cave. In the cave, you’ll find a new path leading to a ruin. Be sure to fill your lantern, as it’s dark inside.

Find the ruins
Follow the quest marker to the Stormwind Cave and head toward the objective. Keep an eye out for blue glimmers that guide you to the unknown ruins.
Beware of Saurians in the quest “Convergence”
Stormwind Cave is crawling with Saurians and Rattlers, so bring plenty of curatives for Health, Stamina, and debilitation cures. Saurians have tough body armor, but their tails are vulnerable, so focus your attacks from behind.

Speak with Rothais
As you reach the shrine in the ruins, a cutscene introduces Rothais, the founder of Vermund. He gives you the Dulled Godsbane Blade and explains it’s made from the souls of past Arisens, mimicking their power. Rothais tasks you with taking the blade to Battahl, where its full potential can be restored.

After the conversation ends, the quest is complete, and you’ll receive 15,000 gold, 4,000 XP, and a Panacea as your reward.
How to escape the seafloor shrine
Go to the door on the south side of the throne room and open the chest nearby to get a Ferrystone. Enter the door, follow the hall to a large elevator, and use the godsway to activate it, riding up to the surface.

Exploring the Cave in the Convergence
At the top of the elevator, exit into a new cave. Take the right path at the fork, which leads to a dead end with a chest containing the Incanter’s Coat.

Navigating the Castle Dungeon
Backtrack and take the left path. You’ll soon find yourself in the castle’s dungeon. Search the open cells for treasure chests containing a Miner’s Shirt and Laborer’s Trousers. At the end of the hall, pick up the Makeshift Gaol Key from the floor. Use this key to unlock the one locked cell, which holds two chests containing a Rotten Harspud and a Ring of Profusion.
Reaching the Main Hall
Exit the dungeon by using the stairs at the end of the hall, which leads to the main hall. The castle is still surrounded by water, so you’ll need to find a way to return to the mainland. Start by crossing the main hall and making your way to the second floor.
Finding Treasure on the Second Floor
On the second floor, locate a broken platform on the south side. After some parkour, you can access a chest with an Allheal Elixir. On the east side, there’s another chest containing the Uniter’s Mantle.
Ascending the Tower and Crossing the Bridge
Return to the second floor and find an open door on the south side leading into a tower. Ascend the stairs to the top, where a chest with a Wakestone Shard awaits. Notice the long bridge connecting to another tower. Cross it, and you’ll find a chest with the Stargazer’s Garb.

Escaping to the Mainland
From the tower, jump through the window onto the rocks below. These rocks will lead you back to the mainland. This places you on the beach where Ambrosius was originally searching for crystal shards.

Returning to Bakbattahl to finish the the quest “Convergence”
From the beach, you can easily return to Bakbattahl, where your next quest, A New Godsway, awaits.