In the “Claw Them Into Shape” side quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you help Beren recruit worthy trainees, leading to the Warrior Master Skill. Our guide shows how to start the quest and where to find a recruit for Beren.
How to Start Claw them into Shape
To start the quest, return to Borderwatch Outpost north of Melve, where you first rested after the griffin fall. If it’s late, find Beren west near Moonglow Garden, training soldiers. He’ll complain about their skill and ask for your help.
Where to find Beren in “Claw them into Shape” quest
If Beren isn’t by his tent, check the training area in Borderwatch. After speaking with him, wait until night and return to his tent to trigger the quest.

How to Help Beren in “Claw them into Shape” quest
Beren needs two things: equipment and an eager trainee. He asks you to donate three swords, any type will work. If you’re short, buy them from the shop in Melve or Borderwatch Outpost. After donating the swords to Beren, your final task is to find him a recruit.

Where to Buy Three Swords
Beren needs 3 swords of any kind for his training. He’ll accept swords bought in Vernworth or at Borderwatch Outpost. If he’s not by his tent, check the training area at night. You can also provide swords looted from enemies and monsters.

Where to find a recruit for beren
You’ll find a recruit in Vernworth. Head to the portcrystal and meet Humphrey, an eager young man looking for a teacher. Tell him about Beren, and he’ll run off to join him. Return to Borderwatch Outpost during the day to find Beren training his men. He’ll praise Humphrey’s progress and challenge you to a friendly duel in a small arena. Your goal is to knock him out, though the outcome doesn’t affect the quest.

Assist Beren in the Battle
After sparring, Eli interrupts and asks for help with a Goblin Pack. Follow Beren to the rope bridge, fighting Goblins along the way. You’ll meet a wounded soldier who tells you a Cyclops attacked. The reward is 4,500 G and a Syrupwort Leaf. Return to Beren near Moonglow Garden later for the next quest, “Beren’s Final Lesson”.