Captain Brant assigns you the Main Quest “The Nameless Village” in Dragon’s Dogma 2, sending you to investigate a mysterious village linked to the false Sovran after a strange delivery report.
Travel to the Nameless Village
Head to the Nameless Village northeast of Vernworth. When a rock pile blocks your path midway, detour through the Eastern Forest.You might encounter a Minotaur in the area; choose to fight or flee. Either way, navigate through the forest to reach the Nameless Village.

Talk to Thief-Maister Flaud
Upon reaching the village, go to the Old Noble Manor at the top. Talk to Flaud, the Thief-Maister, to gather information and get a rare tome that unlocks the Blades of the Pyre Thief skill.

Locate the Nameless Village Depths
The Nameless Village Depths are just north of the Old Noble Manor, marked by a small hole with a ladder. Descend into the cave to uncover the village’s secrets.

Overcome the challenges
The cave is filled with traps and obstacles that test your worthiness to learn the village secret. While the challenges may seem tough, mastering the timing of your dashes and jumps is key. Since there’s no time limit, take your time to learn the patterns.

Note:- There are multiple chests in the cave that contain valuable items. It would be wise to keep an eye on these as you go along!
Get Darragh’s bill of arrest from Srail
After overcoming the obstacles, you’ll reach a room where you meet Srail. He reveals the Nameless Village’s secrets and gives you the bill of arrest for Darragh.

Report Back to Captain Brant in Nameless Village
Return to the surface and visit Captain Brant at the Stardrop Inn in Vernworth to complete the quest. The trip back is quicker with the rock pile removed or by using a Ferrystone. Report what you learned and collect your reward: 7500 gold, 1200 XP, and a Dragon’s Gaze.